The Veterinairan is my shepherd
I shall not lift my leg
He maketh me to lie down and he examineth me.
He leadeth me to stand on the weight scales
He checkth my teeth
He leadeth me on the path of a proper flea program
Yeah, though I walk through the valley of an ear probe
I shall fear no evil:
For he scratchth behind my ears;
His free dog bone samples thy comforth me.
He prepareth a prescription in the presence of my worms.
He anointest my owner with advice.
My stool cup runneth over.
Surely good health and long life shall follow me
through all the dog years of my life,
And I shall barkth forever
Bark Bark
Parody by Dora Chartier
Dedicated to her dog Jake
©Copyright Fonseca's German Shepherds
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without permission unless otherwise stated
New Site Update: January, 2006